Wish I have that dragon for a pet.
Nice, too short though.. but detailed and smooth.
Wish I have that dragon for a pet.
Nice, too short though.. but detailed and smooth.
I was so shocked when I see "This is dedicated to ANIMCHAN" or something.. and I notice that it's just part of the flash. What if I didn't log in? Would there be no name?
Anyway, nice! Makes me go WTF for a moment, haha.
That's so funny and retard, but I like it.
Aww.. poor giants, they did nothing to deserve those! And wtf with those MITSUBISHI and TOYOTA?? Haha, nice one dude.. great ending. *smirks*
Love the song, love the animation! :D
I like how the robot move stiffly, so cute.. and Enya's song, I juts love it. And I like the story too, simple but nice.
Wow, it's a good concept. Sometimes I wonder about those things too, but I'm not too bothered to do it.. but when I see this flash, something clicked on my mind.
Oh well, nice.. but I think the animation could be better.
Very disturbing, but good.. somehow I manage to grasp what's behind it, but I'm not sure (TheHollowSoul explanation is good). Nice, you make it look dull and gloom, very nice - the sounds kinda creep me though.
10/10, 5/5 and fave.
I like the intro, with those nice design and animations! It fits the song perfectly, and I love the ending! - Well, since you put up Life in Technicolor II. But most of all, the art, good work.
Another best collab, keep it up. ^^
That's another good pencilmation! Better than the first one though.. I wonder how good the next one will be. ^^~
Gah, that's so random! And awesome fart, LOL
Me want cookies! SERIOUSLY.
Joined on 7/9/09